As I sit here feeling all nostalgic, Christmas carols playing, surrounded by presents waiting to be collected, I'd just like to take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas...
I would like to thank everybody for embracing Nest with as much enthusiasm as I have for this little store...I'd like to thank all of you out in
blog land for your wonderful on-line support and would also like to thank all the amazing stockists that I have had the utmost pleasure in being able to meet and deal with this year. It's because of their incredible talent that Nest has grown into the little space that I love...
However you choose to spend Christmas, I hope that you have a safe and happy holiday....I too will be making the most of the holiday breaks and will be closed between 25
th Dec - 5
th Jan...I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause however my beautiful husband and children will be on holidays and I am choosing to spend some time with them. After all, probably more than any time of year, it's at Christmas that you reflect on how important family is.......