Monday, August 2, 2010

Bring Back Snail Mail!!

Not long after I opened , a gorgeous girl and her little munchkin Ella came into my store...A week or so later I received a beautiful letter in the mail,( and I'm not talking envelope with the see through window!), but beautiful stationery, hand written, real deal snail mail!! I was so excited!

As much as I adore gorgeous papers, hand made writing sets and beautiful cards, I'd actually forgotten how exciting it is to receive a "letter" in the mail.....

I am from the generation of writing letters. My best friend in primary school sadly moved to Qld, however we religiously wrote to each other every week. We didn't have emails, texting or facebook back then,(omg I sound old! and I can remember the excitement of jumping off the bus, racing to the letter box to see if there was a little envelope,usually with a kitten's face on it :), addressed to me.......Mind you, the fatter the envelope the better! Why? Because it meant there were heaps of pages, lots of news and maybe even a sticker or two...

We NEED to regain the art of letter writing! Let us teach it to our kids! Over the next few weeks I'd like to focus on some of the beautiful stationery I have in store but for now a glimpse can be seen above, courtesy of Allana from 'high maintenance hippy'. You can follow her adventures by clicking on her link ....

Till next week, start limbering up those writing fingers..:) x


  1. I was always a letter writer... I used to write to my grandparents in Auckland and I had another set in Canada. I also had friends that went overseas and I always loved to write to them too. I think the most memorable letter was one I filled with glitter... my friend in England said she was finding bits of glitter for years afterwards! I am sounding old as well : )

  2. Thanks for the link Nat, I'm glad you liked my feature - lots of great feedback for you!! :)
    Snail mail is awesome!! I look forward to your next post, and I'll see you sometime soon x
